Ahmad al-Assir real photos

After the news of his arrest at Beirut airport, a photo of Ahmad al-Assir, after plastic surgery, clean-shaven and soft looking, has been widely circulating on the web. As it turned out, the man in the photo was not Assir.

Al-Akhbar newspaper and Al-Jadeed TV published actual photos of Assir upon his arrest. He wasn’t a master of disguise after all. And did not look like Nicolas Cage or a very young Christopher Lee. He barely shaved his beard and grew a moustache and some hair.

As for the man whose photo has been shared by thousands on the web (see below) he is, allegedly, one of his associates. While some media still claim he is Assir, but at a younger age!

In any case, the news of the arrest of Lebanon's most wanted man was very welcome in these dreadful times.