For those who forgot, here’s a reminder of what Lebanon is fighting against

For those who forgot, and for those pretending they forgot, here’s a reminder of what Lebanon is fighting against.

Listen well to this Iraqi MP. Listen to every words she said. And remember that the mass murderers, slavers and rapists she talked about are here, only a few kilometers away from your home, from the school you send your kids to, from the bars, restaurants and clubs you and your friends go to, and from the beaches you spend your days off at.

When you’re done listening, remember that someone’s son, brother, father or husband has died fighting these mass murderers, slavers and rapists. Does it matter what uniform he wore? He died so you can keep your home, so your kids can go to school, so you can party, and when the weekend comes, work on your suntan.

Is it so difficult to recognize his sacrifice? Is it so difficult to be grateful, to say thank you, or at least have some respect and stop bitching? No one is asking you to join a political movement or support an ideology. No one is asking you to fight and risk your life. No one is asking you to dirty your clothes, to miss a diner in town or a family lunch, a night at the movies or your favorite TV show. No one is asking you to give anything. Not even your time.

So please, in the name of whatever makes us human, have some decency.

© Claude El Khal, 2017