To those in Lebanon who still think that Daesh is a creation of Bashar el Assad, or merely a media stunt used as a smokescreen to distract us from the Syrian regime atrocities.
To those who still think that Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria brought the terrorists to our land. And even to those who sill believe that there’s no Daesh whatsoever in Lebanon –as insane as it sounds, people like that unfortunately exist…
To those who still claim that a media blackout will be sufficient to contain the so-called Islamic State. And to those who mindlessly applaud every time an Arab leader shows some muscle in order to calm his people down, but doesn’t actually do much to eradicate Baghdadi’s caliphate.
I strongly recommend the in-depth analysis by the very serious American magazine The Atlantic. Much more serious in fact than all Lebanese information outlets, online or print, put together.
I know some will refuse to read it. It’s not easy to discover that everything you’ve been saying since Daesh appeared was, at best, very naïve.
Others will read it but will continue to talk and write nonsense. Many because they’re childishly stubborn –a common trait in this beautiful country of ours, others because they’re paid to lie.
If you want to know why some people write certain lies, always follow the money. Always check who’s signing their checks. And who’s hiding behind those checks. You'd be surprised...
Anyway, here’s the link to The Atlantic's article: “What ISIS really wants” by Graeme Wood.
Have a good read!
© Claude El Khal, 2015